Acknowledgment: I have added the address
to the xerces-j-user mailing list.
Acknowledgment: I have added the address
to the batik-users mailing list.
[barkati@ceres sax]$ java sax.SAXCount ~/MusicXML/mut.xml
/home/barkati/MusicXML/mut.xml: 13218 ms (9120 elems, 730 attrs, 56139 spaces, 15060 chars)
[barkati@ceres sax]$ java sax.SAX2Count ~/MusicXML/mut.xml
/home/barkati/MusicXML/mut.xml: 16154 ms (9120 elems, 730 attrs, 56139 spaces, 15060 chars)
[barkati@ceres sax]$ cd -
[barkati@ceres dom]$ java dom.DOMCount ~/MusicXML/mut.xml
/home/barkati/MusicXML/mut.xml: 15877 ms (9120 elems, 730 attrs, 56139 spaces, 15060 chars)La prochaine étape concerne XSL.
Par rapport à Java, deux modifications ont permis d'utiliser correctement Xerces:
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/Pour complier un ficher appartenant à un package, il faut préciser le nom du package à la compilation:
[barkati@ceres dom]$ java dom.DOMCount good.xml
Quelques nouvelles interessantes ont été glanées:
Xerces-J 1.4.0 is now ready for prime-time. The most important
new feature in Xerces-J 1.4.0 is full schema support (except for some small
limitations as detailed in the documentation).
The SVG Font Converter illustrates how Batik can help you embed
SVG Font definitions in an SVG file by providing an application that converts
ranges of characters from a True Type Font format to the SVG Font format.