Objet: Re: A musical
stylesheets system
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001
08:51:55 +0200
De: Gerd Castan
Karim Barkati <barkati@edite-de-paris.com.fr>
Hi Karim,
Karim Barkati wrote:
> Hello,
> it took me some time to install the xerces librairie, that's
why I answer so
> late.
> "Musical" style sheets don't exist yet, but I'm expected to
invent them!
> Our goals are different. I imagine your format does contain
abstract graphical
> information, such as the coordonates of each note, and then
you translate it in
> SVG. What I'd like to do is to separate the notes and their
representation. The
I make a very clear separation:
Persistent Representation is MusiXML
A Java program that makes the "Business Logic"
An abstract graphic XML representation that hasn't anything to
do with MusiXML (And nothing with SVG)
What I'm doing is a stylesheet that is called by a servlet that
translates between a web user and the abstract graphic representation.
This enables me to use a stylesheet to generate PDF or to
give wireless PDAs access to the application without changing
anything, just adding.
> original data file should not contain any graphical information,
just the
> measures, notes, slurs, and so on. Then we could apply different
style sheets
> on this file, to obtain different representations.
> Do you think Xerces-J or XML4J is better?
I think I would use Xerces. But I caan't give you a reason.
> Do you use batik's API to manage SVG?
Batik is good if the application itself has to know SVG. This
isn't the case in my architecture. I want to use it to view
the result, but it's impossible because of a bug that
appears when Batik runs under Mac OS X (The beta 1 of Batik
runs fine, but it's outdated).
Objet: Recordare
update - June 2001
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:56:41 -0700
"Michael Good" <good@recordare.com>
Recordare LLC
"'Recordare List'" <recordare@recordare.com>
Dear Recordare friends,
Our MusicXML plug-in for Finale has entered alpha test! Music
software developers outside Recordare who are using
MusicXML have been able to interchange music with Finale. The initial
results have been most encouraging. A more
widely available beta test is still scheduled for July.
MusicXML is now up to version 0.3, posted as always at www.musicxml.org/xml.html.
The latest version changes some
terminology to be less confusing, and adds several elements to better
support standard Finale features.
With the initial availability of MusicXML software, we are upgrading
our telephone service. Our new phone numbers
Phone: +1 (650) 965-7267 (or XML-SCORE)
Fax: +1 (650) 965-3297 (or XML-FAXS)
Toll-Free: +1 (866) 965-6683 (or XML-NOTE)
I will be attending the NAMM show in Nashville on July 20-22, most likely
to be followed by the DiMA Annual Meeting
in New York on July 25. If you want to meet at NAMM, or in New York
before the DiMA meeting, please contact me by
phone or e-mail.
"The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration" is
hot off the press and should be on sale soon. This
latest volume of Computing in Musicology includes my paper on "MusicXML
for Notation and Analysis", plus a wide
range of interesting articles addressing the role of the musical score
in the Internet age. We will post links for
purchasing this new book as soon as it becomes available. MusicXML
is also referenced in the new 2nd edition of The
XML Bible by Elliotte Rusty Harold.
I will be on vacation from June 11 to 25, taking a rest before launching
the beta test. Questions, phone, and e-mail
messages sent during that time may not get answered until after my
We will keep you posted on our progress. If you wish to be removed from
this mailing list, just send an e-mail
request to info@recordare.com.
Michael Good
Recordare LLC
Congratulations to Xalan-J 1.2.2 for being a Finalist at the JavaWorld
Editor's Choice Awards 2001!
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 22:08:40 -0700
xalan-dev@xml.apache.org, general@xml.apache.org
And hearty congratulations to the JAXP 1.1 team, which actually won
place in the competition. 8-}
I keep thinking if only they had been using Xalan-J 2.x what would have
Category: Best Java-XML Technology
Winner: JAXP 1.1
Finalists: Xalan-J 1.2.2, XML4J 3.1.1
Overall, Apache was well represented at the awards, which was nice to
Those of you working on Tomcat 3.2 also deserve congratulations for
in 'Most Innovative Java Product'.
- Shane
Don't forget to import the Node:
Document ownerDoc = // whether nodeChild's owner is
nodeChild.appendNode(ownerDoc.importNode(root, true));
ESC (0x1B) is simply not allowed in xml documents. There is no
way to
get around this, other than having your feed send your valid xml, or
preprocess the document.
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