Objet: RE: Will MusicXML
become a Schema?
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001
11:42:47 -0700
De: "Recordare
Information" <info@recordare.com>
"Karim Barkati" <barkati@edite-de-paris.com.fr>
Hello Karim,
An SVG converter for MusicXML would be a great thing to do! It will
be an
ambitious undertaking, so good luck with it. If that is your project,
keep us posted on your progress.
We are a Windows development shop here (Visual Basic and Visual C++),
unfortunately we are not up to date on tools for Java and Linux. Certainly
Xerces (available from Apache or IBM) gets a lot of publicity among
Java-based XML parsers.
-----Original Message-----
From: barkati@ceres.lip6.fr [mailto:barkati@ceres.lip6.fr]On Behalf
Karim Barkati
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 6:12 AM
To: Recordare Information
Subject: Re: Will MusicXML become a Schema?
Dear Michael,
thank you for answer. I haven't start to develop my project yet, but
I think
data typing could interest us in schemas. Indeed, our musical applications
should create data structures from the loaded files, even if they are
document-centered. Maybe that's the most important point in schemas
vs DTDs.
But you're right, DTD technologies are more mature, and the application
are the driver.
I would like to develop a SVG converter from MusicXML files in Java,
and I'm
working under Linux. Do you have advices on the tools I could use?
Karim Barkati
Java Technology & XML:
XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is the preferred technology in many
information-transfer scenarios
because of its ability to encode information in a way that is easy to read,
process, and generate. JavaTM is
an ideal companion to XML: both languages share a similar historical background
(C++, SGML); both have
goals of simplicity, portability, and flexibility; and both continue to
be developed in groups that involve
industry, development community and academia (W3C, JCP). Not suprisingly
Java is the overwhelmingly
preferred language for server and client-side XML application development.
The Java Software Platform has a comprehensive collection of core APIs
specifically targetted at building
XML-based applications:
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
Java API for XML/Java Binding (JAXB)
Long Term JavaBeans Persistence
Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM)
Java API for XML Registry (JAXR)
Java and XML are a natural match for the creation of applications that
exploit the web of information where
different classes of clients, from a traditional phone to the latest smart
refrigerator, consume and generate
information that is exchanged between different servers that run on varied
system platforms. The portability
and extensibility of both XML and Java make them the ideal choice for the
flexibility and wide availability
requirements of this new web.
Sun has a proven leadership role in XML technology and the development
of open standards. To learn more
about Sun's XML standards involvement, or if you are interested in additional
XML technologies (such as
the XSLT Compiler or SVG) available from Sun Microsystems, please visit
Cours sur Java de l'ENST:
laf Petite Boutique Java & JavaScript.:
Classe =
attributs (par défaut)
méthodes (dans la classe)
constructeur (new, plusieurs en fonction du type du paramètre,
par défaut sans paramètre)
p87: variable static <=> global: le champ est modifié par
tous les objets != attributs d'instances
méthode static ssi elle travaille sur des attributs static
Appel: unObjet.methode(), sinon methode() <=> this.methode(), sinon
méthode de classe: System.exit pas d'objet System juste class static
et méthode static!
Encapsulation: public != private, relations entre classes
Héritage: la fille ressemble beaucoup à la mère,
Paquetage: ensemble de classes rattachées à un même
thème, "package"
Accès à partir de : | private | private protected | protected | friendly | public |
Mere | O | O | O | O | O |
FilleCherie | N | R | O | O | O |
Collegue | N | N | O | O | O |
FilleIndigne | N | R | R | N | O |
Etrangere | N | N | N | N | O |
Méthode = service rendu
Signature d'une méthode = nom + paramètres + type retourné
JavaWorld, journal hebdomadaire:
parenté graphique != parenté de classe
méthode handleEvent de la classe Component
reurn false: traitement par le père graphique
paramètre Event: type + où et quand + objet concerné
(cf instanceof)
handleEvent () appelle mouseEnter(), mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseDown,
mouseDrag, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, action, getFocus, lostFocus.