Impression de mut.xml
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Contrainte de forme XML
Karim Barkati wrote at 27 Apr 2001 16:29:09 +0200:
> Tony Graham a écrit :
> > Out of curiousity, have you looked at using the new Musical
> > characters in Unicode 3.1 (see
> > and
> > to represent
the notes?
> I already thought to use the musical symbols of the new unicode,
but I
> haven't decided yet if I put these symbols directly in the
XML file or later,
> because they are insufficiant to describe music notation, as
pitch and other
> things more complicated.
That's why I was wondering whether you'd use them, since it seems that
you'd need more information than the musical symbols by themselves
provide, so there's an obvious tradeoff between being able to
represent the notes as notes (once you have the font support) -- which
may make it easier to read the plain XML files when a MusicML (or
whatever) application isn't available -- and using the same element-
or attribute-based mechanism as you need to use to represent pitch,
There is problem that I see with the musical symbols and XSL or XSLT
(to bring this back on topic before I feel too guilty). If you
to transform from *ML that uses the musical symbols into something
else that doesn't, you'd have to match on the data content (or
attribute content) to work out what note to represent. Furthermore,
in some cases you'd have to be prepared to match both the precomposed
and the uncomposed forms of the symbols, since either could be used.
If your *ML did an SVG and you put multiple notes in the one text node
or attribute value, you'd also have to do a non-XML parse of that data
to work out what notes you had.
> What does your book treat on?
Unicode. See
Tony Graham
Tony Graham
Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd
Phone: +353 1 8199708
Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3
Offtopic Re: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 17:27:33 +0100
Francis Norton <>
1 , 2
Karim Barkati wrote:
> I'd like to try xmlspy: what do you think of it?
moving off-topic for XSLT here, but I'm using XML Spy and I'm pretty
happy with it. They've gone slightly quiet since the XML Schema went
but I hope that is because they're busy coding wonderful features into
the next version ...
RE: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 17:44:04 +0100 (BST)
Tony Graham <>
1 , 2
Michael Kay wrote at 27 Apr 2001 15:58:08 +0100:
> > Out of curiousity, have you looked at using the new Musical
> > characters in Unicode 3.1 (see
> > and
> > to represent
the notes?
> Out of curiosity, how are these intended to be used? It's all
very well
They are supposed to be used in plain text, but you can do more if you
use "higher-level protocols, such as music description languages and
file formats for the representation of musical data and musical
scores." Note that "[l]ack of pitch encoding is not a shortcoming,
but a necessary feature of the encoding."
> having a character that represents the beam joining two semiquavers,
but how
> do I control the length and angle of the beam so it actually
meets the right
> notes?
To quote Norman Walsh, it's a simple matter of programming (SMOP).
fact, there may eventually be OpenType or other high-tech fonts that
contain the ligatures for semiquaver-beam-semiquaver, etc. so you
won't even have to think about it.
> I think this is a wonderful example of the point you make somewhere
in your
> book that the borderline between characters and non-characters
is very
> fuzzy; some of these definitely strike me as outside that boundary!
One person's glyph might be another person's character.
Tony Graham
Tony Graham
Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd
Phone: +353 1 8199708
Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3
Objet: Re: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 09:57:24
-0700 (PDT)
De: Dan Diebolt <>
I know next to nothing about music, but my children take
piano and strings and recently I had the opportunity to
help them use a composition program called Mozart. I
just took a look at the file structure - it has binary
encodings but from the header I can see a fair amount
of attribute/value information. I think XML would be
an excellent tool for representing music. However,
I think you have a very large modeling project and
and a very large SVG rendering project. I was impressed with
the amount of nomenclature and theory that apparently
goes into constructing a score. I want to wish yuou
luck with this project - it sounds very exciting even
to someone who doesn't know much about musical composition.
RE: [xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:47:34 +0200
>is it possible to apply an xsl to an xmlschema?
Since XML-Schema (I guess you refer to W3C's XSD) is also a XML vocabulary
itself it can be processed by XSLT.
But I think you're trying to transfer instances of a vocabulary which
has a
schema (like it had a DTD formerly).
Generally speaking it makes absolutely no difference which vocabulary
serves as
source of a XSLT transformation process, as long as the document is
Mario Jeckle
DaimlerChrysler Corporate Research
DaimlerChrysler Forschungszentrum Ulm
Re: [xsl] Is XSL compatible with XMLSchema?
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:53:45 +0200
>A priori, since an XML Schema is written in XML langage, an XSL file
>should work on an XML Schema file.
>Did anyone already test it?
Yes, of course.
If you look at a schema as a kind of data model you may extract several
information by using XSLT.
Consider things like metrics ...
Mario Jeckle
DaimlerChrysler Corporate Research
DaimlerChrysler Forschungszentrum Ulm
Le danger de mélanger des balises de formatage avec des balises
de structure devient évident quand on veut modifier rapidement l'apparence
d'un texte.
Supposons qu'on a balisé une bibliographie de 500 titres en HTML
et que les mots étrangers, les titres des monographies, et les titres
des périodiques soient en
italique. On vous demande de changer de feuille de style pour suivre plutôt
les normes de l'APA où les titres doivent apparaître soulignés.
Comment ferez-vous
vos modifications sans toucher aux mots étrangers? Préparez
du café, vous ne pourrez pas faire de "recherche-remplace" car il
n'y a rien qui ressemble plus à
une balise <i> qu'une autre balise <i>. Vous devrez départager
visuellement les italiques représentant des titres des italiques
représentant de mots étrangers. Si
les balises avaient été <titre de périodique>,
<mot étranger> et <titre de monographie>, vous n'auriez eu
qu'un seul changement à effectuer, dans le fichier
externe contenant la feuille de style associée à la DTD.
[xsl] <xsl:include> href
Wed, 2 May 2001 12:16:43 +1000
"Anthony Ikeda" <>
"XSLT" <>
I've been working on using XSL stylesheets for a while now and created
own class to deal with the transfrmations with Xalan.
Nouveautés pour les développeurs
Netscape 6 est le premier navigateur à proposer une assistance
complète pour le language XML, le Cascading Style Sheets 1 (CSS1),
le W3C DOM niveau 1, et pour le RDF (Resource
Description Framework).
Netscape 6 fournit la meilleure assistance de ce type pour le positionnement
CSS2, le modèle d?événement DOM2 et l?interface CSS.
JavaScript 1.5 permet de créer un contenu Web interactif ainsi que
des applications Web élaborées au moyen de ces standards.
Vu que Netscape 6 propose l?assistance la plus complète et la
plus importante pour les standards Web de tout navigateur, il est désormais
possible de créer des applications Web qui sont aussi puissantes
que les applications propres et qui possèdent des interfaces utilisateur
tout aussi élaborées. Ces applications Web fondées
sur les standards sont multi plates-formes et compatibles avec plusieurs
périphériques, pour que vous puissiez parvenir à un
nombre élevé d?utilisateurs utilisant une plate-forme bureau,
des décodeurs pour téléviseurs et des systèmes
de navigation.
Pour faciliter l?écriture d?interfaces utilisateur multi plates-formes
et compatibles avec plusieurs périphériques pour les applications
bureau et Web, Netscape 6 prend également en charge XUL, le langage
d?interface utilisateur XML. XUL définit les objets et la présentation
des applications de bureau en utilisant des normes Web plutôt que
des interfaces utilisateur API (spécifiques aux plates-formes).
La totalité de l?interface utilisateur de Netscape 6 est définie
au moyen de XUL.
Netscape 6 possède l?assistance la plus complète et la
plus actualisée pour Java, grâce à l?interface ouverte
JVM (IOJ). L?IOJ vous permet de télécharger et d?utiliser
les nouvelles machines virtuelles Java compatibles IOJ dès qu?elles
sont disponibles.
Netscape Gecko, le nouveau moteur de navigation révolutionnaire,
permet cette toute nouvelle prise en charge de standards. Le moteur du
navigation est le logiciel qui récupère le contenu du Web
et l?affiche à l?écran. Netscape Gecko a été
conçu dès le départ pour être petit, rapide
et compatible avec les standards utilisés. Grâce à
Gecko, la rapidité de téléchargement de Netscape 6
est plus grande et l?affichage des pages s?opère plus vite et mieux
qu?avec tout autre navigateur antérieur.
Netscape Gecko est un système incorporé, gratuit et libre,
il présente par ailleurs une architecture multi plates-formes qui
permet de le transférer aisément d?une plate-forme à
une autre et d?unpériphérique à un autre. Gecko est
en cours d?adoption par les sociétés dominantes de ce marché
pour stimuler une nouvelle génération de décodeurs
pour télévision et de systèmes de navigation qui fournira
un moteur de navigation élaboré à des millions de
nouveaux utilisateurs Web dans le monde entier.
Pour de plus amples informations, consultez la rubrique des Questions
les plus fréquemment posées et le Livre blanc sur les technologies
Netscape Gecko, et visitez aussi DevEdge Online. Si vous avez des questions,
vous pouvez en parler avec d?autres développeurs du groupe de nouvelles
DevEdge, ou rendez-vous au Service assistance DevEdge .
Semantic Web Activity: Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Contents: Timeline | Overview | Architecture | Projects and Applications
| Articles | Developer tools
Nearby: Semantic Web Activity and Advanced Development | RDF Interest
Group | SiRPAC online service | FAQ
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) integrates a variety of web-based
metadata activities including sitemaps, content ratings, stream channel
definitions, search engine data
collection (web crawling), digital library collections, and distributed
authoring, using XML as an interchange syntax. The RDF specifications provide
a lightweight ontology system to
support the exchange of knowledge on the Web.
The W3C Semantic Web Activity Statement explains W3C's plans for RDF
and metadata in detail. Further information on the RDF Core Working Group
is available from the Semantic
Web Activity page. The RDF Core specifications consist of the RDF Model
and Syntax Recommentation and the Schema Candidate Recommendation. Active
discussion of possible future
RDF work is currently underway in the RDF Interest Group.
XML Spy is available for the Windows platform only and supports Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000.
A LiveDTD is a Document Type Definition converted into a hypertext
Remember that Visual XML run with the JDK1.1.8 only.
[barkati@kindi xmlpro]$ java xmlpro.jar Examples/catalog.xml
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
[barkati@ceres xmlpro]$ java xmlpro.jar Examples/catalog.xml
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: xmlpro/jar
The parsing technologies have been renamed Xerces, and the LotusXSL
technology has been renamed Xalan.
(free sofware)
Objet: RE: Will MusicXML become
a Schema?
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 09:33:56
De: "Recordare Information"
A: "Karim
Barkati" <>
Dear Karim,
Thank you for your interest in MusicXML and Recordare. You have been
to our mailing list. If you want to unsubscribe from this list at any
just send us e-mail at
Now that XML Schemas are an official W3C recommendation, it is possible
MusicXML may move from a DTD to schema in the future. However, we have
plans to do this soon, for three reasons:
1) Most of the advantages of schemas are more important for data-centered,
e-commerce applications than for documented-centered applications like
music. It may be that DTDs will continue to be the preferred definition
format for our type of application.
2) Our greatest need is to develop MusicXML software, like the Finale
MIDI converters. Using a DTD poses no obstacle to doing this. So we
spending our time on software development, rather than on the underlying
definition technology.
3) There are several competing schema proposals to the W3C's recommendation,
and it is not clear which type of schema will find the most favor in
market. This especially matters to us in terms of software support.
We have
lots of good software supporting DTDs, and obviously there will be
at least
some delay before we get the same level of support for schemas.
Application needs are the driver behind MusicXML development. So if
applications that people start building could be done better with schemas
than DTDs, these plans may change.
If there are specific limits in our DTD that affect your own music
applications, and schemas would remove those barriers, please let us
Michael Good
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Karim Barkati
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:27 AM
Subject: Will MusicXML become a Schema?
I'm interested in representing musical scores for the web. I'm a french
student, researching on that topic, and I'd like to thank you for having
made your code avaible for research. To tell the truth, the MusicXML
format is the best I found for the moment, but I think it would be
if it was an XML Schema instead of a set of DTDs, for technical reasons.
So here is my question: do you intend to develop a schema version?
best regards,
Karim Barkati
FAQ en français:
SAX - Simple API for XML
[CR: 20000810]
[January 28, 2000] SAX 2/Java (beta). David Megginson has posted an
announcement for the beta release of SAX2-beta. "SAX is the Simple API
for XML, a very-widely implemented
event-based interface for processing XML documents. The beta release
of SAX2/Java is now available for download at
Highlights of the release: (1)
Namespace support; (2) Configurability and extensibility through features
and properties; (3) A new interface and base class for SAX filters; (4)
Adapters for using SAX1 parsers with SAX2
and vice-versa; (5) Way too much JavaDoc documentation; (6) Public
domain (even less restrictive than Open Source)... SAX2 adds standard methods
to query and set features and
properties in an XMLReader. It is now possible to request an XML reader
to validate (or not to validate) a document, or to internalize (or not
to internalize) all names, using the getFeature,
setFeature, getProperty, and setProperty methods. There is no fixed
set of features or properties available for SAX2: implementors are free
to define new features and properties as needed.
All feature and property names are fully-qualified URIs (often URLs),
such as ""; as with Namespace URIs, people
should always define feature and
property names based on URIs that they control. All XML readers are
required to recognize the "" and
"" features (see below),
and to support a true value for the namespaces property and a false value
for the namespace-prefixes property: these
requirements ensure that all SAX2 XML readers can provide the minimal
required Namespace support for higher-level specs such as RDF, XSL, XML
Schemas, and XLink. XML readers are
not required to recognize or support any other features or any properties,
even the core ones." [...] WRT SAX version 1: "Of the core classes and
interfaces, only Parser, AttributeList,
DocumentHandler, and HandlerBase (which is really a helper anyway)
are deprecated. All of the rest -- InputSource, Locator, EntityResolver,
DTDHandler, ErrorHandler, SAXException,
and SAXParseException -- are left untouched."
attributes.dtd | clefs, armures, transpositions | attributes |
barline.dtd | barres de mesure | barline |
common.dtd | éléments partagés | dynamics
fermata footnote level segno staff track wavy-line |
direction.dtd | éléments musicaux n'étant pas attachés à une note | direction
harmony sound |
identity.dtd | métadonnées, identification | ENCODING-DATE
identification |
link.dtd | entité pour XLink | / |
note.dtd | notes, petites notes, éléments sans hauteur; accord, silences | backup
figured-bass forward note |
opus.dtd | collection de partitions MusicXML | opus |
partwise.dtd | appelle toutes les entités extérieures sauf timewise | / |
score.dtd | oeuvre, mouvements, ensemble de mesures ou de parts | score-partwise
score-timewise |
timewise.dtd | appelle toutes les entités extérieures sauf partwise | / |
Cette description contient les coordonnées graphiques, mais elles ne sont pas obligatoires, de même que les informations sonores. Le fait qu'elle ne s'appuie pas sur un Schema ne semble pas un obstacle, puisque de nombreux outils (API et logiciels) supportent les DTD. Une analyse plus profonde de MusicXML est nécessaire. Ce format décrit très précisément l'aspect sémantique, mais contient des champs syntaxiques. Il semble possible de l'utiliser en ignorant les champs graphiques, pour appliquer des feuilles de styles, mais il est aussi envisageable d'élaborer un format plus court à partir de celui-ci.
Qui utilise print?