Semaine 4



Emprunts bibliothèque:

Le programmeur XML, Simon North et Paul Hermans, CampusPress 1999
De l'écrit au numérique -constituer, normaliser et exploiter les corpus électroniques-, Benoît Habert, Cécile Fabre, Fabrice Issac, InterEditions Masson 1998
Programmation Java, Jean-François Macary et Cédric Nicolas, Eyrolles 1996

Discussion esj:

objectif final: moteur java de conversion XML vers SVG
avantage: interface appelet Nabil pour un fonds musical
mais il faudra programmer un convertisseur midi vers XML (quantitatif) ou abc vers XML (qualitatif)
Première étape: réécrire le format MusiXML en XML Schema en 2 semaines
Deuxième étape: faire les feuilles de style (XSL)

Le programmeur XML (pp. 78,79):
couple XML et Java idéal car pensée multiplateforme
parseur pour vérification bien formé et validé

PB: pas de doc papier sur XML Schema, trop récent!

Impression de la recommandation proposée:
C.13   I keep hearing about alternatives to DTDs. What's a schema?

¶ A DTD is for specifying the structure of an XML file: it gives the names of the elements, attributes, and entities that can be used, and how they fit
together. Because DTDs are designed for use with text, they have no mechanism for defining the content of elements in terms of data types, because
XML has no data types: text is just text. A DTD therefore cannot be used to specify numeric ranges or to define limitations or checks on the text
content, only on the markup.

¶ The XML Schema proposal provides a means of specifying element content in terms of data types, so that document type designers can provide
criteria for validating the content of elements as well as the markup itself. Schemas are written as XML files, thus avoiding the need for processing
software to be able to read XML Declaration Syntax, which is different from XML Instance Syntax.

¶ Although Schemas are not yet a formal Recommendation, a number of sites are starting to serve useful applications as both DTDs and Schemas, eg and The term `vocabulary' is sometimes used to refer to `DTDs and Schemas' together: the use of the
Greek plural schemata is unnecessary didacticism.

Bob DuCharme adds: `Many XML developers are dissatisfied with the syntax of the markup declarations described in the XML spec for two reasons.
First, they feel that if XML documents are so good at describing structured information, then the description of a document type's structure (its
`schema') should be in an XML document instead of written with its own special syntax. In addition to being more consistent, this would make it
easier to edit and manipulate the schema with regular document manipulation tools. Secondly, they feel that traditional DTD notation doesn't allow
schema designers the power to impose enough constraints on the data -- for example, the ability to say that a certain element type must always have
a positive integer value, that it may not be empty, or that it must be one of a list of possible choices. This would ease the development of software
using that data because the developer would have less error-checking code to write.'

Résumé :
            XML fût pressenti dès son arrivée comme une technologie qui allait révolutionner l'échange de données. Cependant, les DTD, le langage de schéma
actuel pour spécifier le contenu et la structure de documents XML, souffrent de quelques déficiences.

Tout d'abord, les DTD ne sont pas écrites en XML, ce qui signifie que les technologies existantes pour manipuler des documents XML telles que DOM ou SAX ne
peuvent être utilisées pour « parser » des schémas de documents. Ensuite, les DTD ne supportent pas les espaces de nom ce qui rend impossible l'import de
schémas externes afin de réutiliser du code existant. Enfin, et surtout, les DTD n'offrent qu'un typage très limité des données.
Conscient de ces fâcheuses limitations, le W3C a récemment proposé un nouveau langage de définition de schéma, XML Schema.
Conçu pour palier aux déficiences pré-citées des DTD, XML Schema propose, en plus des fonctionnalités fournies par les DTD, des nouveautés :

XML Schema va donc permettre à XML d'atteindre son potentiel maximal.


Modèle: MusiXML.xsd
musicxml (21 fichiers): comment convertir en schéma?
ISOlat1.pen     barline.dtd    identity.dtd  midixml.xsl    opus.dtd      score.dtd
ISOlat2.pen     common.dtd     link.dtd  mut.xml   parttime.xsl  timepart.xsl
attributes.dtd  direction.dtd  midixml.dtd   mut.pdf       note.dtd  partwise.dtd  timewise.dtd
XML Schema et SVG sont 2 technologies de pointes qui feront toujours bien sur le CV!



Outils :

xmlspy 30 jours de démo

Oracle XML parser with XMLSchema processor :
[barkati@ceres sample]$  java XSDSample report.xml
Parsing report.xml
The input file <report.xml> parsed without errors
[barkati@ceres sample]$ java XSDSample report_e.xml
Parsing report_e.xml
<Line 29, Column 1>: XSD-2105: (Error) Identity constraint validation error: 'duplicate keys'.
Parser Exception: Identity constraint validation error: 'duplicate keys'.

xerces : parser C++

A Conversion Tool from DTD to XML Schema:

[barkati@ceres XML]$ perl MusiXML.DTD > MusiXML.xsd
open MusiXML.DTD  successful
open ISOlat1.pen  failed!!
open ISOlat2.pen  failed!!
Truncating 0 3 localtext localText ? 20 20
[barkati@ceres sample]$ java XSDSample MusiXML.xsd
Parsing MusiXML.xsd
The input file <MusiXML.xsd> parsed without errors

XSL Style Sheet for XML Schemas:
The xdr-schema style sheet generates documentation
for Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 compatible XML


XSL 1.0 Becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation
XSL 1.0 is now considered stable. Implementation is therefore encouraged so that the specification can move to Proposed
Recommendation. See the official announcement from W3C.

Discussions avec Nabil et ESJ:

XML Schema est différent de XML: c'est un sur-ensemble des DTD qui propose de typer les données.
L'objectif final est un moteur qui converti du XML en SVG.
La description en XML doit séparer la sémantique de la syntaxe, entre autres pour pouvoir faire de l'extraction de données.


Impression des fichiers de MusicXML.


Objet:        Abwesenheitsnotiz: [xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
  Date:        Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:48:49 +0200
   De:        "Beckers, Marc" <>
     A:        Karim Barkati <>
Out of the office until April 30th

Objet: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
        Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 04:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
          De: Dan Diebolt <>
It has been done. Search for music at
and follow the links.

Objet:               Re: [xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
        Date:               Fri, 27 Apr 2001 13:51:38 +0100
          De:               Francis Norton <>
  Références:               1
Karim Barkati wrote:
> I am new to these things, but I'm involved in a project of musical
> representation for the web. I'd like to describe datas with an xmlschema
> and their representation with a style sheet, but I don't know whether it
> is possible. I know I could use a dtd and a xsl, but xmlschema seems to
> be more powerful, so here is my question:
> is it possible to apply an xsl to an xmlschema?


You can use either an XML Schema or a DTD to specify vality and default
rules for a type of XML document. Since XML Schema is basically a
superset of DTD, you can (if you're careful) write XML Schemas and DTDs
that define exactly the same type of document. In fact tools like XML
Spy can convert a DTD into the equivalent schema.

Once you've defined your document type you can then write an XSLT
transform to process documents of that type. In other words if
myMusix.xsd is your schema, and defines XML docs with elements like
<music/>, <bar/> and <note/>, then your XSLT can assume that those
elements will be in its input.

So the design of the stylesheet depends on the document type, but not on
the choice of DTD or XML Schema for defining that type.

I hope this helps!


Objet:               Re: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
        Date:               Fri, 27 Apr 2001 06:02:26 -0700 (PDT)
          De:               Dan Diebolt <>

Support for XML Schema data types is a goal of
version 2.0 of XPath:

XPath 2.0 has the following specific goals:
  Simplify manipulation of XML Schema-typed content
  Simplify manipulation of string content
  Support related XML standards
  Improve ease of use
  Improve interoperability
  Improve i18n support
  Maintain backward compatibility
  Enable improved processor efficiency

I would guess this would have to happen before XLST
supported schemas, but I don't know what would stop
you from working with a music XML documents even
if they conformed to XML Schema. XSLT works perfectly
well irrespective of whether or not there is an
underlying DTD or schema for the XML document.


Objet:               Re: [xsl] xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
        Date:               Fri, 27 Apr 2001 06:08:07 -0700 (PDT)
          De:               Dan Diebolt <>

What do you want to come out of your stylesheet? It dawns on
me that if you want sheetmusic, this might be a real trick.
How would you synthesize all of the graphic elements; SVG?
Are you just looking for an interchange format to exchange
music between people or applications?


Objet:               RE: [xsl] XSL and XMLSchema
        Date:               Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:02:42 +0100
          De:               "Michael Kay" <>
           A:              <>

> is it possible to apply an xsl to an xmlschema?

Yes. An XML Schema is an XML document, so you can use it as input to an XSLT

Mind you, it's not necessarily going to be easy: an XML Schema can be a
complicated animal. It depends exactly what information from the schema you
want to extract.

Mike Kay
Software AG